
Dental X-rays are a valuable diagnostic tool used to identify decay, extra teeth, bone defects, tumors, cysts and to check the progress of previous procedures. Advances in technology now allow for digital X-rays, which reduce radiation exposure more than 50 percent, and produce instant, high-quality images that can be viewed immediately by Dr. Nathan, the assistants, you the parent, and the patient.
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends taking dental x-rays on children on a periodic basis to evaluate for cavities, infections, missing teeth, proper growth and development of the jaws and teeth, and other potential problems that cannot be properly diagnosed with a regular visual exam. Each x-ray is different, and each child’s needs can be different at different times in their life. At our office, we strive to expose your child to the least amount of radiation as necessary. ALL OF OUR X-RAY EQUIPMENT IS COMPLETELY DIGITAL. This includes our bitewings, periapicals, cephalometric, and panoramic x-ray machines. Historically, x-rays have not been digital and thus created larger amounts of radiation. With our all digital x-rays, we can greatly reduce the amount of radiation (by more than 50 percent) we expose your child to. This is something very unique to our office, as there are some offices in the Greater New Orleans area that do not use all digital x-ray machines. We also have all our patients wear an approved leaded apron with a thyroid collar to further decrease the radiation exposure. Our all digital x-rays produce instant, high quality images that can be viewed immediately by Dr. Nathan, his team, and you and your child. No more waiting around for x-rays to develop. Being all-digital, we can also email these x-rays to you or other dental specialists if needed.